1. V-Ray Sun
* V-Ray system parameters
turbidity : 2
ozone : 0,4
Shadows subdivs : 9
2. V-Ray Camera Physical Camera
* Basic parameters
* Basic parameters
f-number : 8,4
White balance : neutral
Shutter speed : 150
3. Render Settings
* V-Ray
* V-Ray
- V-Ray Image Sampler
Adaptive DMC
Mitchel Netravali
- V-Ray Adaptive DMC Image Sampler
Max subdivs : 6
- V-Ray Collor Maping
Exponential (Check Subpixel mapping, Clamp out, After background, Dont affect colors)
Dark &; Bright multiplier' Gamma : 1, 1, 2,2
Gamma and LUT : 2,2
* Indirect Illumination
Gamma and LUT : 2,2
* Indirect Illumination
- V-Ray Indirect Illumination (GI)
On GI Caustic, GI Engine : Irradiance map and Light chace
- V-Ray Irradience map
Very low
Basic parameter High subdivs : 70, Interp samplers : 40
- V-Ray light cache
Calculation parameters Subdivs : 1000, Sample size : 0,02 (Check store direct light & Show calc phase.
* Settings
* Settings
- V-Ray DMC Sampler
Adaptive amount : 0.85
Noise thresold : 0.005
Min samples : 12
Global subidivs multiplier : 1
- V-Ray system
Render region division = 16